Consulting & Mentoring
Aren't these the same? Not exactly. A consultant gives you the map to show you the path to take towards success. The mentor walks the path with you. We offer both options.

Consulting - Showing You the Path
Self storage is complicated. There are dozens of steps between finding your land and renting units. Each step has best practices to pursue and costly errors to avoid. We can help evaluate your operation, discover the best path forward, and equip you to make decisions to move your business towards success.
Operations Audits | Tech Stack Review | Site Plan Review | Business Strategy | Vendor Recommendations | Market Analysis

Mentoring - Walking the Path With You
We offer ongoing mentoring relationships for those in the self storage industry that want an experienced aid to walk alongside them through development, lease up, and operations. There are many nuances unique to self storage that a mentor can help navigate, maximizing your time and optimizing your expenses so you can focus your attention on growth.
Ongoing Training, Phone Calls, Emails, Vendor Communication, Strategy, and more...
"Melissa is a wealth of knowledge in the self storage industry, has her own podcast, and just started her own self storage consulting business. Tisha and I have done a lot of things right and also recognize there is always room to be better, more efficient, and ways provide our customers with a better customer experience. I would highly recommend a consultation when just starting out or even if you are a seasoned operator. If you are in storage check out her podcast, the Gab Focus Self Storage Podcast. Thanks again Melissa!"
Jeremiah Benson, Alaska